Positive Media

When people ask us what Shark Angels does, we often joke that we are the positive public relations (PR) representatives for sharks. All joking aside, we absolutely are.

Often when we tell people over 100 million sharks were killed a year, they pause and then respond with “So what? The only good shark is a dead shark.” Who wants to save an animal they have been programmed to hate?

We started Shark Angels because we knew we could make a difference for sharks with our marketing, branding and communication skills. We realized sharks needed all of the help they could get – since they were constantly being portrayed as man-eating monsters in the media. We aim to change that. Since the start, we’ve been driven to improve the image of sharks.

Our positive media campaigns gives the world a new perspective on sharks in mainstream media – while shattering common myths, proving sharks aren’t what they seem – removing the biggest barrier to their conservation.

And for those who simply won’t be swayed, we’re creating a new narrative around sharks and their importance to the ecosystem upon which we all depend. Love them or hate them, we need them on this planet.

Oceanic whitetip shark with diver.

Turn fear into fascination and passion into action

Change public perception.

We demystify myths surrounding sharks by funding expeditions to capture extremely compelling images and footage.

Serve as a voice for sharks.

We collect (often undercover) and then donate footage of the issues facing sharks to bring the issues into everyone’s home.

Use social media to engage in meaningful dialogues.

We talk about sharks and the need for their protection, bringing sharks to people in ways they’d least expect it.

Our work + message has been featured by dozens of global media outlets including: National Geographic, USA Today, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, CNN, ABC World News, The Washington Post and The Today Show.